Tubes Ligation&Periods


I had a tubal ligation 10 yrs ago after my 4th child. Ever since having that done,my periods are absolutley horrible. My first 2-3 days r super heavy flow,i feel nauesous,my back feels like its breaking,my cramps r horrendous,and i feel like im freezing,so bad my teeth will b chattering.I really feel for the 1st 2 days of my period,i cannot get out of bed and function Basically i feel like a huge pile of SHI*!! (was nothing near this bad b4 having tubal ligation). I had an internal ultrasound to see if there was an issuse inside and all was normal. The doc told me there is no medical proof that a tubal ligation messes with your period. Has any other woman had an issues like this or am i alone? Ugghh i wish i would go tru menopause already! Thanx 4 any feedback ladies!!