Can he get in trouble? My rapist

When I was 14 I was raped by my brother. He was 26. When I was 16 he was FINALLY arrested. He got 4 years, served 6 months then another 6 months in a half way house. I’m 20 now, so it’s been almost 6 years. Last year he finally got off the sex offender list.

My family believes that I lied so we don’t keep in contact much other than a few times a year. I always get invited to every party (Christmas, Easter, thanksgiving, etc) but they always let me know that he was invited. So of course I never go, and he always does. My dad and his girlfriend have 14 grand children that come to these parties. Yes everyone knows what he did, they don’t care. 14 children under the age of 10. They also regularly go camping as a big “happy family” 🙄🙄

Anyways, I’m still pissed off about it because well.. why wouldn’t I be? The fact that he’s around children make me SICK. I have 3 kids of my own and I just can’t imagine. Is this something he can get in trouble for or since he’s off the sex offender list is he completely free?

I just can’t shake the feeling that one of these kids will be hurt.

I was the 6th girl he raped. That we know of. The other 5 came forward but he was only charged for me. (Unlawful sexual conduct with a minor)

Please tell me the next time I know he’s there I can call the cops and have him arrested?

Idk what group to put this in. I’m sorry if it’s the wrong one

I’m over what he did to me. But I’m Upset that he’s around these children. He raped my cousin when she was like 8. He TOLD my male cousin to rape me when I was 6. (And he did) the day he raped me, his own wife and infant baby were upstairs. He’s never going to stop. All the children are being left alone with him. They have play dates at his house. He sometimes babysits for these people. There are young girls that are 3, 4, 5. These are people who didn’t believe their own family was raped so they won’t believe these girls either. (They didn’t believe me when I came forward at 6 years old)

I know there’s probably no chance since he is off the list. I was just wondering if there was any hope in him getting arrested because I thought he wasn’t allowed to be around children anymore. Anyways.. thanks ladies. I’m just trying to save these poor girls.