I can’t make this sh¡t up

Someone please help me!!! I’ve been married for a little over a year and we found out we’re pregnant a couple months ago. Super happy. He already has a 4 year old and he realllllly wants to name this baby. He didn’t get to name his daughter because he didn’t know she existed until she was 2! Since day one he has been throwing names out to me to see if I’d like any, these are the ones he’s either texted me or wrote down for me (I can’t make this shit up you guys):

Wrangler, Hawkeye, Kearney, Tiger, Lionel, Trail, Dempsey, Spade, Jeans, Indiana, Alabama, McCoy, Lucky, Carver, Bennington, and my personal favorite... ready for it...KIRK (if you know where this is from, ten points for you)


These are unisex guys! He would want to name our daughter TIGER!!

I don’t hate Kearney or Indiana.

Guys we don’t even live in the south either, we live in NH in the mountains this makes no sense 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

Someone please help me either figure out how to love one of these names, maybe find a variant, or tell me to suck it up and deal with the fact I could have a child named Jeans 😂😭😭🙃🙃🙃🙃