Hand expressing colostrum at 29 weeks


Been leaking since like 18 weeks. Today I was leaking so much I thought you know what why waste this liquid gold?! Hand expressed into a clean medicine cup and pulled it into an oral syringe I had. Was so surprised I got 5 mL!! Went ahead and ordered some oral syringes off amazon :) gonna freeze it and use it for a little supplementation in the first few days to make things easier and keep baby girl more satisfied!

FYI: I’m a mom/baby nurse so I know how to properly hand express, but if anyone would like to try it I recommend seeing a lactation consultant or even YouTubing videos on how to do it! Also, make sure it’s okay with your doctor/midwife, hand expression can release oxytocin which can cause contractions. Most of the time it’s harmless and fine, but make sure to double check. :)

Just so happy I was this successful!! I work around this so I have seen how hard the first few days can be with constant feeding, trying to pump and getting nothing, and having to supplement with formula. Hoping this will make things go more smoothly!