
Katy • 27, Married, Boy Mom to Thomas John Herron 💕4💕12💕23💕

So I noticed spotting the 21st and it's always consistent light pink, I have no cramps or anything, still got the "pinching" pains that are now in both my lower right and left sides, nausea, migranes, and severe fatigue.

This is what it looks like now

This is what it was the 21st

I'm just wondering could I have this and still be pregnant after 2 bfns or is this just a weird period (btw mine are usually super super heavy to where I wear ultra tampons and night time pads at the same time with crippling cramps and back pain) and this just isn't like my usual periods. Has anyone had 2 bfns and spotting for 2 days and still been pregnant. And yes I've booked an ob/gyn appt, but the only avaliability they have is for 3pm Oct 4th. Can someone help me until then?


woke up after posting this only to discover a normal and slightly heavy af stupid both got my hopes so high that I was prego...btw she was 11 days late and came in like spotting....when tf am I gonna ever get pregnant?


What I thought was a period must not have been because it only lasted an hour before is wrong with me?