Just wanna cry


This is our 3rd month of trying to conceive.

Never fails I start testing at 10 dpo and test every 3 or 4 days after that.

This month I had some faint positives, very faint but they were there and showed up in the time frames, but as they were faint I didnt get my Hope's up.

But actually showing my man and there being that chance and then testing again today just to get a BFN without a faint line was heart wrenching.

Especially when my man calls me from work...


I should be headed home soon..


What's wrong..


Did you go to the store




What do you mean nothing...

There isnt anything to tell...

Did you get a test...


Well why say nothing

Because if there was something to tell I would tell you...

I feel awful cuz I know I had a bit of an attitude but I hated the fact that he wanted me to straight up say it was negative... I hate feeling so defeated.

And it effects me way more than he cares to realize...

It doesn't effect him at all and I cry over it.

Anyone else feel this way