Baby girl is quite content in here.🤦🏽‍♀️👶🏽❤

Hello! I am a first time mom with a high risk pregnancy due to an NIPT test that came back positive for a chromosome disorder with my baby girl. So when that diagnosis came through, the doctors anticipated that she would either die in the womb or be extremely premature. The doctors really didn't expect me to make it through my first trimester and said at most the baby might hold on until 15 weeks AT THE VERY MAXIMUM.

Well. Every single person I know has been praying for my little girl. And here we are. I am 39 weeks pregnant (Tomorrow!) with a small but very active little girl!

But I've read that most mom's get false contractions and pelvic pain or pressure and back pain or leg numbness, no cankles, no weird poops or and things like that. Me? I've got nothing. I don't know what any of those things feel like! I still exercise and walk and drive and clean and pick things up off the floor and don't get winded. And I'm not even dilated AT ALL. On the bright side, she has been head down in position for the past 3.5-4weeks. But clearly she's just happy in her mommy and is making no real attempt to meet me face to face!

I have an OB appointment tomorrow and apparently we will be talking about the possibility of induction and how long they will be willing to wait and see if she'll get the ball rolling herself. Who knows. This week I could have a Baby! How crazy is that?! Oh goodness