Super happy with myself! ❤️

Sarah • • just trying to figure out my life •

I’m not confident enough to post this on any of my main social media accounts, but I just gotta say I’m super proud of myself. The picture on the left was a year ago today, and the picture on the right was taken this morning. I know it may not look like a big difference, but this is MONUMENTAL to me. The pictures on the left was my heaviest, and I was so depressed. My uncle had just died and I was going through a lot. I have pushed myself so hard since then and I’m so proud of the results. I never thought I’d make it down to this size again. 💗 I can’t wait to see how much I change in the future.

* EDIT *

I just have to stop and say that I am so so overwhelmed by all of your kind words. You ladies are absolutely amazing ❤️ Some of y’all have asked for a routine or what I did to lose the weight.

I’m a college student, so it’s hard to keep a super strict routine or diet! So I just tried to cut back on how often I eat out or how often I eat junk food. I started to drink like a lot of water too! My workout routine is about the same when it comes to leniency. I try to make it a goal to make it to the gym about 3 times a week. I’ll post some screenshots of my routine for you ladies! 😋

And before I go into these workouts, I always either do 15 minutes of running on the treadmill, or I use the elliptical!

Again, thank you ladies so so much!! You all are the best!! ❤️❤️❤️