In need of baby dust!

Sam • Eliza Marie 05.20.15 ❤️ Ava Ranae 07.07.19 ❤️ Angel Baby 03.30.21


Hubby and I have been trying for baby #2 for 7 months with no luck. We track every month and plan accordingly and nothing. We recently took a step back to try and relieve some of the stress in hopes that it will help.

We are at the point where even my dad is saying that our daughter needs a younger sibling...... (my parents don’t know we have been trying for another baby)

Anyway this is the last month we will be trying until this time next year (I will be getting back on birth control) because we will be moving from PA to NC and I don’t want to do that with a due date creeping up on me.

***Update 1****

Af was due today but didn’t show. Having none of my usual pms symptoms and trying to not get over excited. My boobs have been incredibly sore (my toddler loves to lay on me but when she pushes herself up her boney little elbows always end up in my boobs) and have been having a little bit of cramping but it feels more like baby hiccups then actual cramps and tired beyond belief!!

As long as af hasn’t reared her ugly head by the time I am done with work tomorrow I am going to stop at the store and pick up a test 😁 FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!! 🤞🏻