A life not worth living?

What is this? Should I just go...I'll draw on myself...no not with a pen or a marker, something sharper, something silver, mom I lied to you so you wouldn't go looking through my room for a razor blade...I said it was a needle...I have lots of those...

I just keep doing it, I can't stop and I honestly don't want to, I am numb, idk any other way to cope.

Everyone keeps leaving me...blaming everything on me...saying I only do this shit for attention...no, actually I dont.

They'll all leave...maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will happen, everyone will abandon me...in the dark...with no place to go...and no where to hide.

The demons are inside, I don't let them out, I don't want to scare you away.

I don't wanna die, I just wanna feel something, even pain, even blood trickling down my thighs...