I was down the shore at my parents shore house for the weekend

I was down the shore at my parents shore house for the weekend. My due date was set for today actually September 24th. I was playing with my niece all day I stood up from the chair at 7:45 with something leaking from my leg . I called my doctor and she said it seemed that my water broke and head to the hospital. Well I was two hours away from home and my husband was at our house back up North. I called him right away and he started headed down the shore with my brother. I was freaking out on the way to the hospital thinking why is this happening? My baby is going to be 30 days early. Will he face any complications? Along with the stress of all that I now was in a random hospital and was going to have random people deliver my baby. My doctor was 2 hours away. My water broke at 7:45 and Julian was out by 6:28am within 6 pushes. He was 6lbs 1 oz - 19 in. long and he was very happy and healthy with no complications thank god ! 🙏🙏 I overall had a great experience and realize my baby was just ready to come out !!