Baby shower disappointment


So initially my boyfriend’s mom was gonna plan my shower, I just needed to pick a date. I picked a date a month from now but on a weekday because my boyfriend works on the weekend. My boyfriend told her the date. She texted my boyfriend back saying she wants to help but it’s hard to help on a weekday (she stays home and is retired), and if we waited until the Christmas party the family would “get us everything we needed”, but she knows the 5-hour drive to the annual Christmas party is something my boyfriend doesn’t do even when he doesn’t have a one month old newborn baby to travel with. So my boyfriend asked me if I wanted to have it in October or December, and I’m really bummed because I wanted my friends and family there. I was excited someone was gonna throw one for me but I didn’t realize a weekday makes it hard for everyone I want to be there to come. I also wanted a baby shower before the baby was here, my own shower, not a combined Christmas party/baby shower with only his side of the family.

I don’t know what to do. I could try to plan my own, but I’m low on money because it goes to buying baby stuff now so the shower wouldn’t be fancy at all and who knows if my few friends I do invite would even be able to come if I did plan it. Or I could just not have one but I think I would feel sad about that forever, like baby and I missed out. Or I can have a combined Christmas/baby shower celebration with hundreds of members of my boyfriend’s extended family and my one month old daughter. I guess I’m feeling a little disappointed. Any advice?