

Okay, just a question for peace of mind: does your baby speak any yet?

Our little girl says"mamamaama". Once or twice she has said something like "blaaaa"

No real consonant sounds. Just mamama allllll the time. Doubt she knows what it means. Should she be making other sounds consistently?

Where are your kids at verbally?

I only ask because one of the pediatricians at the hospital when she was born said that she may have a small tongue tie, and her pedi now has never mentioned it, but she was never able to latch, so she couldn't breastfed- so maybe it's affecting her speech.

I realize that kids don't actually speak for a while-- and I'm really hoping that this kid is a genius (because her father is an aerospace engineer)- so, maybe she will be one of those that doesn't speak until she's two but then speaks in complete sentences. I'm just concerned about her babbling only the one sound now.