Ugh just a small rant

Lynlee • Proud "step" mom to my girl Amelia Mei 12-1-16 Proud mom to Madison Grace 10-13-18

So I’m currently 34+4 and have been contracting since Wednesday like unbareable pain ive been in labor and delivery 3 times since then and each time it’s your not dialating Sunday they said I was starting to but not even at a centimeter yet the ob on call I saw there said I need pelvic rest till 37 weeks to make it that far today I had a doctor appt and she says we aren’t going to stop the contractions (she saw where I’d been in there and the contractions are monitoring at regular times) because it will be fine to have baby at this point right now I’m just in so much pain I wish they would do something to help either stop the conTractions or induce me because I literally am currently crying in pain at work but they refuse to do anything because it’s 34 weeks so it’s late enough that they don’t want to stop me from having her but it’s still early enough they don’t want to induce I’m going on day 6 of constant contractions that get more intense and nothing helps I’m so tired of the pain sorry for the rant I just need someone to talk to about this that understands