He has finally arrived!


So of course you can try to prepare yourself for what you think labor and delivery will be like but don’t be fooled......nothing goes the way you think it will. I always figured that I would go to the hospital because of strong close contractions or because my water broke. But Baby Jace had a different plan for me. Saturday night I started having some mild cramping but nothing too strong so I was to optimistic. However I noticed I started to leak so fluid, nothing crazy heavy but enough to make me call the doctor at 11:00pm. She wanted me checked so we headed to LD at midnight. Once we got there they checked me and I was 2-3cm and instantly started contracting every 3minutes. They definitely poked the bear and got things started for sure. I was admitted and headed to labor and delivery. Got my epidural at 5cm and thought OK here we go I got this. Little did I know know my epidural would only disguise the contractions and that I would feel EVERY single part of the delivery. OMG I thought it would never end and that my baby boy was never coming out. But after 1 hour of pushing my baby boy finally came and was worth every single minute! He came 1 day early and it absolutely perfect 💙💙