Birth story


My son Jame's was born on 8-14-18 his original due date was saposd to be 8-15-18. But my ob decided to induce me on the 14th due to signs of preeclampsia again ( they has admitted me in that Thursday before the 14th Goethe same thing for a 24gr watch but let me go the next day) they admitted on the 14th but I wasn't even thind out so they did the strip to thin me out but instead of thing me out it started my labor to the point where they where 2-3 minutes apart and a very very bad back labor they tried given me a pain med but it didn't work just made me all loopy and in and out to the point where they where going to give me an epidural but when they had me up to get it I had a seizure a 10 minute grand mile seizure so I was in and out of it for 19 minutes to where the called my ob and he said emergency C-section but not until they staybalizd me which was till 5 when they said OK its time all while I had this drug which makes u go in and out of consciousness due to it keep ur muscles from contracting (u can't feel pain) so I fought hard to stay awake during the hole C-section I fought hard to stay awake to hear my baby cry to see my baby. He was 9lb 4ounces 21 1/2 inches long :) he is how a 1month and 10 days