Postpartum day 2

D • Married 09.29.17 • little man born 09.22.18 • follower of Jesus •

The good:

The swelling in my vagina is down completely. My stomach is less than half the bump it was. Im not in pain anywhere other than my tailbone and obviously my vagina if I blot dry after the spray bottle. (I have stitches). The first postpartum poop was soft enough that it didn’t hurt THANK GOD. We got to take our little man home today!

The bad: if I wait too long to pee (even if I don’t feel I need to pee, my body just...goes when I stand up and I cannot stop no matter how hard I feel I’m contracting those muscles. Additionally I still pee a whole bunch when I sit down after leaking through my pants.

And I’m struggling a bit with breastfeeding but my little mans latch is getting better if I could just get a handle on the soreness.

Oh, and the sleep deprivation is real. And it’s hard.

But ladies this isn’t what I expected. It’s not anywhere near as hard as everyone had made it out to be and I honestly feel pretty great. I can’t wait to have another baby! Please don’t be scared/discouraged when you see horror stories as everyone’s body is so different and you have to remember you could have a great labor, delivery and postpartum experience. Don’t be so set on thinking you might have a bad experience that you lose the joy of this amazing thing your body has done.