so frustrating...please read...please help!


if anyone has ever had experience with the nicu please offer any and all advice you have. our daughter was born on 9-20. our small hospital thought she was born with pneumonia and they did not feel equipped to deal with it so they life flighted her to the nearest level 1 trauma center 1 1/2 hours away. when we arrived at the nicu they told us she did not have pneumonia but instead was just having trouble keeping air in her lungs. so they put her on a cpap until her lungs could hold air. that was the next morning. she has been off oxygen since 9-21. all her stats are fine. she is now on a bili light for bilirubin but that should be taken care of tomorrow. so we totally thought that after the bili light was taken care of we’d be able to take her home since even the doctor said there is nothing medically wrong with my daughter but they wont let her leave until shes getting 100% of her total volume needed from a bottle but the nurses just keep doing her feeds through the ng tube cause they say she’s too tired to eat. we’re starting to really get mad because we feel like she’s fine. baby’s at home are sleepy and sometimes have to be woken to eat. why can’t we do that??? she’s not severely underweight, last weight was 5.4. she was born at 5.6, i feel like we’re in never ending cycle. doctor says she needs to eat so she can show him she can do it but the nurses say she’s too tired and just keep shoving her food down the tube. i got her to eat most of her feed through bottles today but i know as soon as i leave for the night the nurse will just shove it down the tube again. plus she’s so backed up her belly is hard and full of poop. i asked for an enema yesterday and right after she got it she was awake and happy and trying to eat and sucking but they won’t do another one. i feel like we’re being held hostage and they want to keep her here for 3 more weeks just because she’s “not eating”. is there anything we can do? can we take her out ama? she truly doesn’t need to be in a nicu an 1 1/2 away from home cause she’s not a good eater. any insight would be so appreciated.