Should MIL be in the birthing room if she makes me uncomfortable?

My MIL is a nurse and prides herself on always knowing what to do. She’s also super close to her son (my husband). This will be her first grandchild, and while we haven’t talked about it, i KNOW she’ll be hurt if I don’t want her in the delivery room (especially with all the “skills” she believes she can offer). I’ve always only ever wanted my mom and my husband there with me - that’s it. If my MIL is there, I’ll feel insecure and uncomfortable that I’m not “doing it correctly” or she’ll be judging me. There’s also a huge culture difference between us. She looks down on Americans because we didn’t suffer/go through hardship the way she did in communism. And having a baby is just a no problem kind of thing to her, whereas it’s my first, and it’s a big deal, and I want to be perfectly happy and confident when labor happens. So what should I do? I’ve already told my husband how I stand but I don’t think he’s actually thought about how it will be, making his mom wait in the waiting room while my mom is with us, and their grandchild is born. He’s bound to at least put up a fight (first kid for him too. He’s clueless.) I hope the baby comes ridiculously quick so she doesn’t even have time to drive here (she lives 4 hours away) lol.

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