2-month old will NOT nap 🤷🏻‍♀️


My 2-month old daughter will not nap anymore. She used to nap great! For a while she'd nap in her bassinet for several hours multiple times a day, and then she went through a "leap" and got super clingy so she would nap for hours in the solly wrap.

Now, she just will NOT nap for some reason. This has been going on for the past couple of weeks. When she's in the solly wrap, she'll only sleep for 15-30 minutes at a time and it's never a deep sleep. She's always in such a light sleep that I can't do anything at all while holding her. The slightest noises wake her up. I can't even sit down sometimes because the change in position will wake her. If I try to put her in the crib or bassinet, forget it. Even if she's in a deep sleep while in my arms, her eyes immediately pop open as soon as I put her down.

I have a rock and play but she's not a fan of it.

Help!! I don't know what to do anymore.