

Hey guys so I got the kyleena IUD put in about a week ago. I originally had skyla put in last March after a miscarriage but it fell out. I finally decided to try the IUD again because I cannot take birth control pills. Anyway I spotted for the first two days but it was light and i knew that it was normal. I had really bad cramping but thought that might also be normal. When my doctor put it in I had told him that it hurt a lot more than last time. I haven’t had any spotting or anything since then but have still had cramps. Last night my cramps were super bad and today I started bleeding not just spotting. It is around the time that I should be ovulating to. Is this normal or should I get it seen about? I was worried because last month I ovulated really late and did have sex during my ovulation window and they took a pregnancy test before they put it in but it would have been to early to tell, so that is kind of in the back of my mind to. Sorry for the long post and thank you so much!