So worried, spotting after postive.


I had an <a href="">IUI</a>(my eighth one, with a miscarriage on june 4th 😔) I tested on Sunday Sept 17th, negative. Monday tested negative. I am now 7days late and my husband kept insiting to test again. Which I did only to oblige him and try to prove a point. Well guess freaking what?! I TESTED POSITIVE. I couldn't believe it I was flabergasted! A bit guarded since my miscarriage but still excited. I went to the Dr this morning and my HCG is 1032. They increased my progesterone as that was a tad on the lower side. I felt nauseas all day(maybe its in my head) but just now I went to the bathroom and wiped and noticed some spotting an having some mild cramping.......PLEASE PLEASE tell me this is not happening again. I don't know how to feel. I want to keep my Faith that this will be successful, that this spotting is just a fluke.

My next appt for bloodwork is on Thursday to make sure HCG is going up and not down. Please please let this one stick. Inhave all these thoughts and worries running through my head. But I have to keep Faith and think postive.