Intercourse EVERYDAY raises conception!

Yeni • Pregnant with rainbow 🌈 baby ❤️❤️

I have read a lot up on this and Glow actually gave me a new study done on this subject which is located in the analysis section if you would like to see it.

I see everyone telling everyone else that intercourse every other day is best. This is FALSE. Intercourse EVERY OTHER DAY is best for couples who has LOW SPERM COUNT. For couples who do not have low sperm count intercourse every day is best.

Intercourse every day actually raises the percentage of conception from 30% to 37%!

There are studies in which you can simply google (make sure to read the studies off of reliable sources) that state that even having intercourse twice a day raises this percentage of conception even HIGHER.

Just a little research information for all my TTC ladies.