Why does my body hate me?!😭


I'm 24, my husband is 30 and we have been TTC since January 2017. My periods are regular, had a normal HSG, he's had a normal sperm analysis, I've been on metformin for over a year, did three rounds of clomid and one round of femera before I finally said screw this and stopped taking everything. I'm so beyond frustrated. The last OBGYN tried to tell me I have PCOS even though my labs are fine and I have literally NONE of the symptoms other than being overweight. I'm 6'1" and 280 pounds which is considered almost morbidly obese. I have no motivation to lose weight because I was on a weight loss med back in the spring and lost at least 30 pounds and it obviously didn't do any good. I'm such an emotional eater and I'm always emotional. Having a baby is the only thing I think about. Someone please tell me there is a light at the end of the tunnel? Please don't tell me to calm down, stop stressing, stop trying, to pray about it, or that it's not our time, I'm so sick of hearing those lines!

Edit: forgot to mention, my husband had low testosterone and takes shots but as far as we know it hasn't effected his sperm count. My mom also had endometriosis and I'm worried I may wind up with it as well.