Jealous about his friendliness

My bf is loyal but he’s too fucking friendly. So yesterday, his friend (some annoying girl who’s rude af) told him that he got into this organization that we both interviewed for. I asked my friend, who is an officer in the organization, when I was going to find out because they already told him. She asked “they texted him?” & I said “no, (insert girl’s name here) told him” then she said that she wasn’t supposed to do that because all who interviewed were supposed to find out today. Well when I told him about it he said “why’d you tell her that? Now (girl’s name here) is gonna get in trouble” & I said “she got herself in trouble because I didn’t even know she wasn’t supposed to do that” I just wanted to know when I’d find out since I interviewed before him. Then he was telling me about a girl who told him that someone snitched him & his friends out to their jrotc sergeant. That his friends asked who told him about it & he said “I didn’t say who it was because I don’t have that mentality that you have ‘she got herself in trouble’”

🙄 am I wrong tho? She knew she wasn’t supposed to do that. I didn’t.