
⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi

I miscarried on August 29th. I stopped bleeding 2 weeks ago and got a positive LH test last Wednesday. I’ve been spotting since 4 days DPI... So I thought this was maybe implantation spotting at first, but on and off it’s been going to heavier bleeding (not super heavy, but like period levels enough for a little dot of blood on underwear or pad). I had implantation bleeding with this last pregnancy at 3 days (earlier than usual, but not impossible and I never spot so I know that’s what it was) it’s like the heavier bleeding will happen for a couple of hours and then stop for a day-ish or more. I was thinking if it was implantation bleeding would maybe just be heavier because of the miscarriage for some reason? I’m not upset or against it being my period but I’ve had absolutely zero cramping so I don’t get it. Even after my other miscarriage I had cramping with my next period. What do you think? Could it be my period? Should I call my doc or just ride it out? I know a first period has the possibility to be strange but this just feels completely foreign.