First doctors app! One week old 🌸 found out she has a lip tie?? 😖

Sheri Ann

Harper’s first day out to doctors ! She lost 8 oz at the hospital due to issues with breast feeding which nurses made me feel like I was doing everything wrong.. all the hospital did was point negatives instead of advising. When she would latch.. I cried ... she cried... every time she went to latch my pain was beyond words and she was upset not being able to get on right to eat because I would take her right back off. Finally, her pediatrician suggested pumping which worked out better and she gained her weight back. Born at 8 p 8oz and now is 8 p 4,5 oz. She informed me that she might have a lip tie. Today, the pediatrician confirmed after truly examining that she does and we have to go to a specialist to have it cut . Any other babies have this issue ? If so, how was the experience ?!