New fur baby


So yesterday I jokingly sent a picture of a miniature schnauzer puppy from Craigslist to my SO. I wasn’t planning on getting a new puppy anytime soon. But Monday i took another pregnancy test and it came back negative I had missed my period by a week. Well next thing I know my man says call them and see if she really is that cheap and it isn’t a scam. Well i was like ok sure. Well they said she is born July 31. There is no way she is that old. She has only one shot on her record, her tail was just recently docked and she only has 5 teeth. So my guess is she is maybe 5 weeks at best. My husband was so man that they couldn’t take care of her. He’s like I feel bad for all the others. But she is safe and being well looked after and formed an attachment to me. We named her Zelda.