Trying for 2 years


I ran away from home when I was 17 years old. I thought I knew everythi g there was to know about life and I was a big girl who could handle her own. I was pregnant within a month. I gave birth tona beautiful baby girl 3 months after my 18th Birthday and came to the realization..... I didn't know s*** about life. 18 year old high school drop out who couldn't even get a job in housekeeping at a hotel because I didn't finish high school. I was so naive and didnt have the slightest clue how to better my life for my child. Thank God for my mother and step father who NEVER once gave up on me. My mom watched my 2 month old baby so I could go to summer school and finish my credits to get my diploma. I was then able to get a job amd begin our lives. It was a struggle for many years being a mother trying to support her child. Ive made my fair share of mistakes parenting wise and my chioce in relationships. It came to the point where I had a big choice to make. I left my ex at the time and moved me and my daughter 2 hrs away from where she was born to start fresh. I have a beautiful 11 year old who is THRIVING. I met a wonderful man whom is now my husband. We decided to start trying for a baby 2 years ago. Still haven't got that BFP yet. Its so frustrating becuase I went about everything completely wrong the first time and this time I have my life together and its a let down every month. Maybe it just isn't in the cards who knows but to everyone struggling..... You are not alone and I hope and pray for myself and everyone else who is struggling to conceive that you get that bfp that you have been waiting for! Good luck all!