Zantac timing


Not sure where to ask this: The nurse at the pediatrician told us to give Zantac 30 minutes before the morning and evening feedings. It’s really tricky because my daughter is typically asleep before she eats (follows a eat, awake/play, then naps) and wakes up starving and ready to eat so waiting a half hour is a drag. We’ve taken to waking her just enough to give her the medicine and she can stay asleep and not lose her nap but sometimes she sleeps for another hour plus after giving it to her. I called to ask and the nurse said again- “aim for 30 minutes before she eats.” Well she’s eating on demand, and not on a set schedule for eating and sleeping at this point (just over 9 weeks old). I really don’t want to wake her to eat because she struggles with sleep already. Any thoughts? I found the nurse less than helpful.