What are the chances the dr are wrong?

Lynlee • Proud "step" mom to my girl Amelia Mei 12-1-16 Proud mom to Madison Grace 10-13-18

So a little back story I have been contracting for 8 days now but this happened yesterday and when it happened the contractions got worse and at this point I feel like it’s possible the dr is wrong so this is what happened yesterday I was walking into the bathroom because I had to pee and I got in there and locked the door and there’s a hush of fluid it goes down both my legs it’s in my pants my socks my shoes everywhere and I’m like Wth I still have to pee and I didn’t feel myself pee I then proceed to pee a normal amount. I walk out and change and my contractions start getting a little worse I’m still managing them but they are stronger and more frequent and I’m at the gym with my fiancée and so I tell him somethings not right and I need to eat something hoping it was my contractions and hunger so we go to get dinner and when we get there I go back to the bathroom because whatever is going I’m still leaking and enough that my pants are wet so I call the dr and they say lay down if it leaks when you stand up go in so I lay flat for 15 min and stand up sure enough I leak more fluid I go to l&d and they test it they come back and say the ph test came back normal and we didn’t see fernjng so we don’t know what happened exxactly but it was probably scary at that point my contractions are 2 min apart and I’m dialated at a centimeter and I’m in tears I’m hurting so bad the dr says go home try a bath I do but it doesn’t help I try a heating pad still in so much pain my chest is hurting and I’m throwing up like I feel like I’m dying things are still progressing and idk what to do anymore I can’t focus or anything everything is hurting not nearly as bad as the contractions but definitely painful and I’m starting to question if that test could have been wrong? I just need encouragement and help because I can’t do this anymore