Baby Girl is here!

Michelle • Momma to 👼🏽 Gabriel (11.2.15), 👼🏽 Michael (6.20.17), 🎀 Evelyn (09.23.18), 💙 James (12.12.19), 🎀 Scarlett (3.20.22) 👼🏽 Matthew Oliver (3.6.23)

So, finally I feel like writing this up!

On Friday the 21st I had a regular ob appt, my dr checked my cervix and I was at 2-3 cm dilated! She was surprised I hadn’t noticed anything different and said that it could progress quickly or maybe it would stay like that for another week. So I went home, and within an hour of leaving the appt I started having irregular, inconsistent contractions. I didn’t sleep well that night, and the next day the contractions varied from mild to strong and anywhere from 4 mins-16mins apart. I held off going to the hospital until that night (Saturday 09-22-18) once my contractions went from strong and 6 mins apart to very strong and only 3 mins apart! I was checked and admitted @ about 11pm, they said I was at 5 cm. Once admitted my contractions became so intense that both my mother in law and my l&d nurse suggested getting the epidural and walked me through the whole process. I had been planning on not getting one, because I was terrified of the idea 😂 which was ridiculous because it worked out pretty good for me! They only allow one person in the room while getting the epidural (other than the employees of the hospital) so I kicked my hubby out and kept his mom with me haha. She was great and literally my rock the whole time! The epidural took great and I felt so much relief so quickly. We all slept on and off for a few hours until 5 am, my nurse checked me again and I was 10 cm and completely ready to go.. only my water hasn’t broken yet. So she taught me how to push and broke my water. I pushed for just about an hour and at 6:14 am Sunday 09-23-2018 gave birth to my baby girl Evelyn Joy Paz ❤️

She weighed 7lb 6oz and was 20” long!

We did skin to skin for a few minutes while they sewed me up, I had a 2nd degree tear.

Stayed in the hospital until Monday the 24th until like 2pm... we’ve been home for a few days now, and are crazy in love with our first born 🌈❤️