Scared 😟.....

Hi girls I just need a little advice 3 days ago I started feeling just not me I got an anxiety attack that didn’t let me go to sleep until 5am and yesterday all day I just wasn’t feeling myself I have loss of appetite idk I can’t explain the way I’m feeling I wake up with headache n nauseas I just wanna be asleep and this morning again I woke up nauseous and I threw up just right now my husband and I are in a very rocky relationship and I admit it the reason is because i cheated on him a year in a half ago worst mistake ever I had everything with him he showed me his love unconditionally to me and my 2 kids I had from a previous relationship the temptation just beat with not thinking of the people I was going to hurt around me 😢 I have a 3 boys now 11, 10, 7 the little one is he’s we’ve been together for 7 yrs now I always wanted a baby’s girl n he did too until I cheated and now he don’t want anymore babies but when we have sex we have unprotected sex he pulls out I don’t believe I’m pregnant bcuz we have been using that method since after I had my third child and never have I gotten pregnant but these days I’ve been feeling kinda off u know I feel sick very emotional my last period I started it 2 days b4 which it’s not normal cuz I’m very punctual with my period every 28 days I get it exactly and last month was 2 days early idk what to think what to do cuz if I tell husband I want to take a pregnancy text he will be so negative about it I would do it myself but at the moment I live in Mexico 🇲🇽 so he had to take me cuz of the situation we’re in but that’s another story plz any advice idk where else I could just talk to someone