Crazy sister in law!!! Am I wrong?

Okay I just need either confirmation or someone to tell me maybe I am crazy🤷🏻‍♀️ 4yrs should I had a miscarriage with my now husband. His sister accused me of faking the whole pregnancy and so I had to pay 140$ for my medical records to prove I had a miscarriage. She never apologized. However once we became engaged I realized I had to let it go because we would also be in each other’s lives. She was in my wedding, and we were actually quite close.

I am now 30weeks pregnant. My husband texted her telling her I was pregnant when we first found out. We didn’t want to do it in person as she can be snobby and I just flat out wasn’t dealing with a rude comment. Fast forward to now being 30 weeks; she has yet to speak to me or even say congrats. She claims she’s pissed we texted her instead of doing it in person. Meanwhile I texted both my parents because I was just so excited.

She wasn’t invited to my baby shower and refused to let our niece come with her grandmother. That night of the baby shower she than put a status on fb asking if anyone knows of a mother having a baby girl who would like a bunch of free stuff as she can’t return it. (This stuff I’m assuming was for me)

My husband thinks I should give in and talk to her. In my opinion if she wants a relationship she can talk to me. I have been the bigger person SO many times. And after numerous things she’s said and done she’s never once owned up to them or even apologized.

Am I right to be pissed and not give in?