Newborn breastfeeding


FTM, had my LO on sept 24; so she is two days old. I am trying so hard to breastfeed and once milk comes in I’ll also be pumping. She was having a difficult time at first with latching due to flat nipples, but has caught on quickly with some help from the dear nurses and tricks.

She has become difficult to wake for routine feedings and has been more cluster feeding. Is this normal? Is there something I should do to help the feedings become more routine?

I don’t want to give up, but it’s quite exhausting and I’m having a hard time.

The nurses didn’t seem worried with the latch, but my nipples have already become cracked and are giving me a hard time when she feeds. I have been using nipple cream after feeds. I’m unsure if it’s just something that happens due to everything or if I’m actually doing something wrong.

I just need some help.