Another Baby Story


Again, I have no proof this happened because obviously the OP would be violating laws to expose that, but here we go.

A couple are in the ward to pop out the newest addition and the father, a very dark man of assumed African descent, can barely contain his excitement. He's thrilled.

Mom has the baby and it's white. Mom is also white, but this baby is VERY white. Now, babys come out of the box usually pale (and covered in that yummy baby-cheese substance) Even the darker pigmented neonates will typically look lighter and mixed kids lighter than that... Apparently this child had no hint of melanin and was blonde hair/blue eyes. It is assumed this baby is not the husband's. Dad goes to the waiting room probably devastated.

What happens after that is that the mom abandons her family, including a previous child they had had. Even though dad decided has was going to raise this baby that wasn't his anyway. It's assumed she did this out of shame. He goes on to raise both of the kids as a single dad.

The discussion is if shame alone is means enough to abandon a spouse and children. People walk out for many reasons and not all are simple emotional upset, but just shame? This could have been handled in better and less messy ways. Hell the whole thing could have been prevented.

And who knows, maybe this particular woman came around and went back or at least picked up child support. Personally, I can't imagen cheating on my husband then ditching him with the other mans baby plus ours will do anything to lessen my shame. But, it's not my life. She may have had more reasons than that. Just my two cents.

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