Could this actually be the end of a very long journey!?


I'm currently 38+2 with my second but with my first I didn't actually go into labor- just had an emergency C-section.

I've had nausea and loose stools the last few days and this morning when I woke up I had to run to the bathroom to throw up, not once, but twice. Then went to my normal apt to schedule my second c section for Monday and they said that it could be a sign of labor. Did an NST ( she has IUGR) and had longer and stronger contractions than normal. As I was leaving I started having diarrhea and have had it since. I have been having pretty intense contractions on top of it all.

Could this possibly be really it? I've had a really rough pregnancy and a lot of scares. I just want it to be over and to hold my babygirl already.