Boyfriend made you do sexual things?


So my boyfriend and I have been on and off since my missed miscarriage at the end of August .. me being emotional and depressed. He didn’t really want the baby so I felt like I couldn’t talk to him about it so I shut him out.

Fast forward a couple weeks. I had to take the miscarriage pills last week (which was awful) I was on day 5 when I had him come over for 2 days

First night I gave him head and he came.

Second night he wanted more but obviously I couldn’t.. so he pretty much begged to put it in my butt.

And first few seconds it hurt so I kinda ran away lol just to regroup and I let him try again but it hurt and I kept saying “stop” “stop” not sure if I said “No” but he kept going until he came and I just feel like something was off about that.

Like he cared more about cumming than me wanting it?

Also earlier I was getting tired of giving him head so I was playing around like I was done and he said “you better come suck this cock (or dick) right now”

Thoughts? Any similar experiences?