Good news during a heartbreaking time

After a wonderful family beach trip in August with my parents and aunt and sister and her family and my husband and 2yo son, I bought some pregnancy tests and started testing at 10 dpo. I got the first faint positive at 11dpo and that continued daily up to the morning I was supposed to start my period. That day I had some spotting. Overnight I began bleeding. Thinking we were pregnant for 3 or 4 days made the chemical miscarriage pretty devastating. We decided we should wait a few months a try again. My aunt has been battling bladder cancer but had received a clear scan before we all went to the beach. Several weeks later her cancer returned, spreading to lymph nodes and bone. After going into the hospital a week ago Monday, she quickly declined and we lost her early Monday morning September 24th. My son and I quickly packed up and drove down to be with family. I picked up food and flowers and whatever I could think of to try to help my mom. I also picked up a two pack pregnancy test. I just felt different, like I may not start. I wanted to wait until Friday to test. I was afraid to test early. But I couldn’t wait, I tested 12dpo and today, 13dpo. I’ve never felt so happy and so sad at the same time. I can’t tell anyone. I’m waiting to tell my husband in person, but I don’t even want to tell him today because we are having my aunts memorial service.

