
After a month short of a year trying we are pregnant... again. Guys I feel like this is unreal. In August we found out we were pregnant and shortly after we miscarried. We were so early our doctor told us we didn’t need to take a break in trying so we didn’t... I still haven’t gotten a period since the miscarriage and to our belief I hopefully won’t! We got pregnant RIGHT AWAY!!!! I’m SO excited, SO in awe, and SO nervous. (About another miscarriage) My doctor literally told me I was a pain in his ass. πŸ˜‚ we have no idea how far along we are, and won’t for a few more weeks but my hcg levels are rising exactly how they’re suppose to and I feel like SHIT 🀒 (YAY!!)

Hoping all you beautiful family’s all the baby dust there is!!!
