September 26th 2014

Four years ago yesterday, at 8:45 am, I was pacing in front of the pharmacy waiting for it to open at 9. I had realized the day before that my period was late and I hadn’t slept all night because my period was always super regular. I was 19 and my world completely shattered when the second line showed up on that test. I had only known the father for 4 months, He was a good guy, sure, but that doesn’t mean we were ready to start a family, far from it!

It was an incredibly stressful pregnancy because everyone seemed to think that getting pregnant at such a young age would ruin my life. Some were saying it behind my back, others made comments making it clear they felt bad for me, mostly people just gave me “that look” and I could feel the judgment...

Turns out my daughter was the most amazing thing that ever happened to me, she gave me a purpose in life and I just love being a mom so much. I often say that I wish I could go back to tell myself that it’s all going to be alright and not have live with that sickening amount of stress for 8 months.

Now my daughter is 3, she has a 19 months old brother (still with the father), we have our house, two cars and a good job, we wanted a third child someday, but we were waiting for the right moment.

Well yesterday, I was feeling quite nauseous and I had some pregnancy tests lying around, so I took one and there seemed to be an incredibly faint line. I thought it was probably an evap. Well this morning, I tested again and got a faint line, but it’s definitely positive❤️

Seems like the universe decided for us ❤️ 4 years exactly after my first BFP I get to relive this moment, but this time I am so so happy and I know this is a blessing 😍 I get to cherish it instead of dreading it ❤️

I’m just so happy ❤️❤️❤️