TTC Instagram

Shelby • Isaiah 54:10💗/PCOS & Unexplained Infertility/MC Girl-Girl Twins @ 13wks// Pregnant with my 🌈🤞🏼

Hey girls!! I’ve made a ttc instagram finally after contemplating so hard but I feel like god has placed it in my heart to do this. Not only will I be sharing and documenting our journey but I hope to provide support and advice to others. I want to be a place where women can vent when they feel like they have no one else. Being 19 and going through an infertility journey is not easy, as I really had no friends to relate to or help me through it because not many people my age are trying to have a baby, nor could they afford cause let’s face it y’all, infertility isn’t cheap. When I found this app, as well as other ttc instagrams, I felt so much relief knowing there was other people like me, that understood what I was going through. It helped me so much! I could ask as many questions as I wanted and I’d always get an honest and supportive answer and advice back. That’s what I’m hoping to do for others! So if you’re interested follow!! I hope I can help in some way! Baby dust ladies! I’m praying for you all ✨🤞🏼💗