Title 9 law help?

I’m in nursing school (2nd semester), I’ll be getting my LPN in less than 3 months then moving on to my ADN. A friend is entering her first semester soon and is finishing prerequisites. She was in class last week when a guy recounted his story of going to the bar that weekend and how he had talked to a girl at the bar. He turned to my friend and said “wanna know how I know we are having sex tonight? I’m stronger than you”.

The friend filed a complaint but just found out they refuse to do a formal complaint unless she puts her name on it and he will know it was her. This guy is ex military and scary as shit so she is uncomfortable doing this.

I also found out that he will be entering into the program with me next semester. I’m uncomfortable with this because 1) as a nurse we are around people that are susceptible to sexual abuse, 2) we have to advocate for our patients and I feel he won’t since he is this way, 3) I’ve had experiences with this jerk myself and he DOES NOT respect women at all, and 4) I have been raped and so have many of the others in class, I am not comfortable being around this guy.

The friends sister and I plan on stirring up shit because the sister was raped as well and her college refused to do anything about it. I never reported my rape due to fear and shame. I know of many others in class who are survivors.

I need to know the following: what laws do we have on our side? What can we do to remove him from his seat in the nursing program? What protections do we have (does the person filing the complaint HAVE to attach their name and let the other party know it was them)? Anything else you feel is important for us to know before getting too deep into this?

I am disgusted by the programs reaction and am ashamed to be going here now.