Melody Wren


Hi, I’m Julia and I just became a mom on the 24th, to a beautiful girl named Melody Wren. She arrived at 36 weeks, weighing only 4 lbs 5 oz. We had planned for an all natural birth, even a home birth but for some reason Monday morning I woke up with a severe headache and chest pain. So we rush to the ER to find out that my blood pressure was 176/97. They tried everything to lower it. Eventually they induced me, got me dilated to a four only to have my cord prolapse. It was so terrifying to see my baby’s heart rate drop so low they had to rip everything out of the walls and speed into an emergency C-section. There wasn’t even time for an epidural. And I think because I didn’t see Melody exit my body, I’m finding it difficult to connect, which makes me feel even more guilty. After a week it’s finally starting to get better but I’m still super emotional, and I’m starting to fight with my husband more, knowing he can’t understand. Everyone is telling me it’s all normal and I believe them, I just wish my mind would see reason...if anyone has some advice I’ll gladly take it.☺️