Our Rainbow


I’m 37, and had never been pregnant. I was married for five years, and we never tried for kids. I lost both my parents, well before I should’ve. My dad was 50, his death was sudden, and unexpected, and 8 years later, last year, my mom died after being in the hospital for 16 days, at just 56. As an only child, I’ve had to pick up the pieces, and be an adult for the first time really in my life. Even when I was married, I was lost, and became very dependent on my husband. I reconnected with an old friend, one that I knew since we were kids. In fact, technically I was his first girlfriend, although we were too young at the time to know what that meant. Fast forward, we’re now in the process of finalizing plans to get married. I’m so happy, even with my loss. We got pregnant in June, but sadly I miscarried. My mom had wanted to be a grandmother so badly, and I felt that I denied her of that selfishly, so I reason that the miscarriage, was so that my parents, in heaven, could finally be grandparents. This morning, I just found out that I’m pregnant with my rainbow baby. Please keep me in your prayers, praying that this baby stays with us. Thank you all so much in advance. Keeping all of you in my thoughts as you go on your own journeys.