Pinterest-worthy BFP went out the window!

My husband and I received the wonderful news that we are expecting our first baby! We received our BFP.... in the ER. 😅 Details below. ⤵️

We were trying for nine months, which is not long at all compared to you precious ladies who have been trying for years. My thoughts and prayers are with you, because I know the pain you experience with each passing month. ❤️

Although it was only nine months, those months were some of the hardest of my life. Tears, anxiety, worry, fear, etc. You all can relate. But God kept giving me peace that everything would work out in His timing. God reminded me that He needed our child to be born at a certain time, just like Hannah in the bible waited for Samuel to be born, because he was created to impact the nations at a specific time. I am believing our child will make a difference in this world too! But that’s a whole different post! :)

So I waited with anticipation, and I would dream of being able to surprise my husband with the exciting news! I thought I would take a test, get my BFP, make him a gift, and catch his reaction on camera. Well, I was WRONG! It’s funny now, after the fact. I should have known that we wouldn’t have the Pinterest type of pregnancy. Things just don’t work out that way for us. 🤷‍♀️🙃

Here’s how it happened:

We were BDing 🙊 and once we were finished I started experiencing severe abdominal pain. I was bent over on the floor and could hardly move. I made the decision to go to the ER, so my husband rushed me there as I was groaning in pain the whole way.

Once we got there, I told them I was experiencing severe abdominal pain. They asked if I was doing anything specific or did it just come on suddenly... it was then that I had to deliver the news that I was having sex with my husband when it started. Then they asked if we were using toys. 😂 At this point, my husband and I were so embarrassed. We were not using any, for all of you inquiring minds.

They began blood work and asked if I was pregnant. I told them I wasn’t sure. (I was planning on testing the very next day. I went to the hospital on the day AF was due).

The doctor said we can’t do any tests until we find out if you’re pregnant. He came back an hour later and told us that it was positive!! As soon as the doctor left the room we began to smile from ear to ear. We were in shock and so giddy! It wasn’t the way we intended to find out, but we were soooo excited!!

They decided to do an ultrasound to find out the cause of the pain. At this point the pain had subsided some. They determined that it was possibly a ruptured ovarian cyst. This is the second one I’ve had, and they vary in the amount of pain, but if you’ve had one before you know how awful they are!

They kept me for several hours because they wanted to confirm it wasn’t an ectopic pregnancy. By the time I left, they couldn’t rule that out completely because the baby is too small for them to be able to see anything. I went to my OBGYN the next day for blood work to see if my levels are rising (I’ll get the results today). I also have an appointment tomorrow where they will do another ultrasound. Please pray my levels continue to rise and it was a ruptured cyst instead of an ectopic pregnancy! The doctors seem very hopeful.

We are over the moon happy! God’s timing is truly perfect. We are pregnant the same time as my husband’s childhood best friend’s wife. My husband and his best friend were born 3 days apart, his wife and I were born 3 days apart, so we’re all hoping our babies will be born 3 days apart! I’m glad I get to go through pregnancy the same time as her.

Also, my three-year-old nephew had a dream that I had a baby in my tummy, and my co-worker also had a dream I was pregnant.

I didn’t intend for this post to be so long, but I want to share what we did in order to conceive:

- We used conceive plus lubrication. We used this during other cycles too, so perhaps this isn’t the reason for conception.

- Also, I put my legs in the air after we BD. I know many people say this is not necessary, but both of my sisters and my mom said this is how they conceived, so we tried it!

As far as the symptoms I experienced (I was always curious about this when I was TTC), I had breast tenderness, implantation bleeding at 10 DPO, constipation, and some fatigue.

Please keep us in your prayers as we go through this journey, and that there are no complications. I will be praying for all of you who are TTC! You can do this. 😘 God has it under control. 💕