Someone help!


Not pregnant yet!!!

Got refereed to a different gynie for fertility and I'm so nervous

Iv'e been to many gynecologist I got discharged from my last one because I wasn't trying for long enough even though I have PCOS!

so she said to go and try for a few more months she said

'you never know you might end up pregnant by the end of this month''

but I don't get periods and I don't ovulate so I didn't understand where she was coming from?!? The same day I called my doctor's and ask them to refer me to a different gynecologist because my current gynecologist discharged me and I don't understand why. So they made an appointment for September but that got cancelled so now my next appointment is tomorrow the 2nd of October.

it's referred for fertility for me and my partner can anyone give me some help on what I can say to my gynecologist because whatever I'm saying now it seems to not be working because they're not helping me!?

Thank you x x