Postpartum, mental illness

Caroline • 👩‍👧‍👧

My husband and I had our second baby 7 months ago. My husband has bipolar disorder and I had on and off depression since I was 14 years old. When I was pregnant with my second child, depression hit me hard. I went to get help at and got counseling. After that my baby was born. I was all good or so I thought. Months after having the baby, I was starting to get mood swings. I was mad one minute than I was happy. As time went by it got worse. I think the reason for that was that one of our cars stop working so i had to stay home all day while my husband went to work. On top of that I don't have friends and my only sister and my parents live 12 hours away. That made me feel extremely lonely and desperate to have someone around when my husband is gone working..

Well my husband started to drink again all of sudden. He was sabor for more than a year. So I started to get more angry. But i tried to have conversations with him everynight ( while he is drinking) because it was the only time we were alone. That every night we would end up fighting over petty stuff. He tells me every time that he wants to be alone at night. So I'm not sure if it's me or him that starts the fights. They just happen. But I'm really frustrated that he don't understand that I feel lonely. And I feel like I need to be with him without the kids sometimes. BUT he says he takes me out all day ( usually only the weekends with the kids) and he just wants alone time by himself. I don't know who is wrong but I do know that is not healthy for me being alone all day during the week and not having other friends.