Trying again too soon?


My husband and I suffered the miscarriage of our first pregnancy this past month. We've been trying since last December to conceive and I have PCOS to juggle all at the same time.

Emotionally we've handled everything pretty well. Two weeks ago I had a breakdown about it finally. We got the clear to do the dirty and we've had sex three times since that.

Six or seven days ago i felt myself go through my ovulation process (I get really bad migraines, a huge mood swing, and some other various symptoms) and was super excited that my body was doing something on track (because it was around the time cycle length wise I'd be going through this).

Two days ago I spotted for a few hours, and since then have been EXTREMELY cranky and feeling the same symptoms I was the first time I experienced the implantation bleeding just a couple months ago.

I know I'm holding high hopes, and unfortunately I have to also search for a new OB in this process, but I'm seriously hoping I get pregnant as quickly as possible. Give this a second go.