ER visit


About a week ago I was bleeding, for longer than normal. I took a test and swore it was +. The girls at work were worried I was having a miscarriage so they told me to leave for the day and go to the ER while my daughter was still in school. So my husband and I went. They asked a lot of questions and had me pee in a cup. The nurse came in with the test, it looked like a dollar tree test lol. I asked the nurse “are you seeing good today? Or do you have a case of line eyes?” His response was “I never have line eyes. I’m a pro” he then giggled. About two minutes later he says “you must have been the one with the case of line eyes. Your test is negative” I laughed a little then it registered that I wasn’t pregnant... then I got a little sad. My husband and I were trying right after getting married but then decided to accomplish a few things before taking the step so we’ve been just having fun “practicing”. But still, to hear “you’re not pregnant, while thinking you might be... well is hurt a little 💔